Be the Change 3E's mission is to provide support to individuals impacted by incarceration to support their effort to become
economically self-sufficient.
To reduce recidivism (returning to jail or prison), economic self-sufficiency must be a factor in how society supports those who have served time. In order to have a lasting impact for Returning Citizens (those who have served time), their families and communities, education is an essential component. Be the Change 3E provides support to individuals impacted by incarceration in the following focus areas (3E): Education, Entrepreneurship and Employment.
"Why support Returning Citizens and their families?" Our response is that society has historically FORGOTTEN those who serve time (and their families). In many cases, compassion and empathy are missing when the topic of incarceration comes up. Be the Change 3E understands the journey those impacted by incarceration have taken.
What most people do not realize is that many of the individuals serving time have experienced trauma in their lives. Often the trauma occurs during childhood and is never dealt with. This can lead to poor choices as a young adult, leading to a pattern of cycling in and out of jail and prison over a lifetime.
Be the Change 3E has listened and learned from individuals who have served time. Their stories are all different and similar. Once you hear their stories, they are truly UNFORGETTABLE.